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Tuesday 22 March 2016


Rough Cut 4

Bellow is the final cut of our film opening. Which we have created we still need to add music to it but we have finished editing the footage.
On the second video below we added music, however the cut of the music didn't save in final cut and we imported the video with the whole music all the way until the end. This video is 3.48 min but our final cut is 2.49 min. The rest is the music which was not trimmed.

The video below was edited by Riona. If you look at the first cut I focused on the bags falling and added mean girl at the end where as Riona focused on mean girl.

This is a cut which I have made which was mainly focused on the bags and the bang they have produced. The lighting is different as well because I was trying to blend the different lightings in the corridor which was caught in our cameras. This also has a pinkish effect which makes the shot more soft.

This cut was made by Riona which is focused on the mean girl. As you may notice the lighting is different as well. Riona's version is more vibrant in colours and has a sharp focus, this was made to create more of a rom-com effect. 

For this cut we have used a lot of layering. We have used about 8 layers for the scene where the split screen was made between the boy and the girl.
Here you can see how the pattern is girl box girl where as on the one bellow the pattern is boy girl boy. For this we have used 8 layers and one transition.


DB said...

Good, though still quite short - and still no mention/illustration of Final Cut tools!!

DB said...

there's only one FINAL cut!